optical mini spectrometer / for microscopy
200 - 1 600 nm | MicOS
Vnation JSC
for microscopy
MicOS are a modern range of microspectrometers that are totally integrated, flexible and affordable equipment which unifies a microscope crown directly paired for a greater performance, triple grinding, imaging spectrometer with 3 detectors.
It can function in a broad spectral distance measuring from 200nm to 1600nm and characterizes various semiconductor and biological samples. It features a special frame with an embedded digital imaging camera and can be assembled as a bottom or side-looking microspectrometer. Additionally, it can house several lasers for offering exceptional adaptability and user-friendly operation at low cost. The MicOS is totally regulated by the enhanced LabSpec software and serves as an ideal device for photoluminescence, electroluminescence, and photo-reflectance computations.